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Search: “abby martin”

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2. November 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: What comes after Capitalism? | Yanis Varoufakis

Dieses Interview wurde von Progressive International unter dem Titel: “Gipfeltreffen 2020: Was kommt nach dem Kapitalismus?” am 18.September 2020 veranstaltet.

27. October 2020

Zain Raza

Zain Raza is the founder and senior editor of acTVism Munich. He is a journalist and cultural organizer in Munich. In 2013, Raza founded acTVism Munich e.V. – an independent, non-profit and bilingual online media network. Since its inception, Raza has managed and supervised the production of more than 1500 videos, which include interviews and […]

22. October 2020

Bolivia Election 2020: Socialist Victory one Year After US-backed Coup

In this video, we speak with journalist Ollie Vargas who has been reporting on the ground in Bolivia.

24. July 2020

Assange Update: Fashion Designer Vivienne Westwood stages Protest & Psychological Torture Exposed

In this video, we examine the torture journalist and publisher Julian Assange experienced while in the Ecuadorian embassy.

17. July 2020

Understanding Trauma with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula

In this episode of Know Your Stuff we interview author, clinical psychologist and professor of psychology Dr. Ramani Durvasula on the subject of trauma.

14. July 2020

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK

In this video, we provide an overview of the case against Craig Murray. Murray is a journalist and former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan.

8. July 2020

Why the United States is a Threat to Human Existence | Prof. Peter Kuznick

Prof. Kunzick examines the international arms treaties that the USA has terminated since the 2000s and what significance they bear on world peace & stability.

2. July 2020

Assange Update: NEW Court Developments & Assange’s Birthday

In this video, we discuss the latest call over hearing on Monday June 29th in the Julian Assange case.