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Here you will find the interview with Dr. Jill Stein that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.
Here you will find the interview with Glenn Greenwald that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.
This video documents the last 2 days leading up to the event.
In this video from the 1st of December 2014, acTVism Munich asks Glenn Greenwald at a press conference in Munich about the German government’s reaction towards Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations.
In the following video The Real News Network senior editor Paul Jay discusses with acTVism Munich’s senior editor Zain Raza about measuring the success of independent media.
At the end of the Second World War a new era of globalization of capital and production began that continues on today and is enforced through manifold free trade agreements. Another turning point was 9/11. Since then, an increased military presence and an expanding security apparatus is leading to more surveillance and violence in the name of national security.
Remembering the immortal Karl Marx whose teachings remains so relevant a century and a half later. Karl Marx peered deeply into the struggles of the working-class of his day and observed carefully the structures of exploitation.
Saudi Arabia Threatens to Blackmail U.S. If Congress Passes 9/11 Bill (The following text appeared originially on Democracy Now!) “Saudi Arabia is threatening to sell off $750 billion in U.S. Treasury securities if Congress passes a law to allow the families of the victims of the September 11 attacks to sue the Saudi government for […]
acTVism Munich e.V. If you want to find out more about our organization, please view this video (You can activiate English subtitles from the settings in YouTube) Mission Vision History 2013 Zain Raza introduces on social media the idea of an independent media outlet based on the principles of citizen journalism and activism. The idea spreads […]