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Search: “edward snowden”

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2. March 2020

Julian Assange Case: Court Hearing Updates

In this page you will find daily updates on the court developments pertaining to the case of Julian Assange.

1. March 2020

“We Are Millions” Campaign for Julian Assange launched in Berlin by DiEM25 & the Courage Foundation

The Courage Foundation & DiEM25 hosted an event in which they launched “WeAreMillions”, a campaign to demonstrate support for Julian Assange

28. February 2020

Julian Assange – Belmarsh Prison visit by Yanis Varoufakis

In this video we travel to the Belmarsh prison in London and talk to Yanis Varoufakis to gain insights on the condition of Julian Assange.

25. February 2020

Assange’s father John Shipton & Wikileaks Chief Editor Kristinn Hrafnsson on how you can support

In this video we interview Julian Assange’s father John Shipton and Chief Editor of Wikileaks Kristinn Hrafnsson about the case of Julian Assange and how individuals can support him and protect press freedom.

Hotspot Report: Julian Assange “Stop Extradition Protest” in London

In this video we document the recent protest that took place in London to stop the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

23. February 2020

Hotspot Report: Julian Assange “Stop Extradition Protest” in London

In this video we document the recent protest that took place in London to stop the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

21. February 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Interview with Noam Chomsky – Effective Ways to Change Politics

In this interview, recorded as part of the 2019 annual Yale Global Justice Program conference, Prof. Noam Chomsky talks with Prof. Thomas Pogge about the targets, prospects and tactics of political action today.

19. February 2020

Nils Melzer on the Psychological Torture of Assange & the importance of Individual Action

In this interview with Nils Melzer we talk about how the U.S. & U.K governments are psychologically torturing Julian Assange.

16. February 2020

Report: Munich’s largest Anti-War Demonstration: Protest against the Munich Security Conference

In this video we document the anti-war demonstration that took place on the 15th of February 2020 in Munich against the 56th Munich Security Conference.