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Search: “noam chomsky”

We found 1,025 results for your search.

18. March 2020

The Euroleaks & how Austerity accelerated the Coronavirus | With David Adler

In this interview with David Adler, Policy Director of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), we examine the Euroleaks that were recently released by DiEM25.

16. March 2020

Yanis Varoufakis: “The Coronavirus is going to accelerate the post 2008 Crisis”

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder and MeRA25 MP, on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus.

13. March 2020

Finanzcrash – Wann? Warum? Und wie können wir damit umgehen? | Mit Finanzexperten Ernst Wolff

Due to limited financial and technical resourcess, we are unable to translate the following content into the English language.

12. March 2020

Dr. Jill Stein on U.S. Election, Bernie Sanders’ setbacks, Coronavirus, Assange & Manning

In this interview with physician, activist and former U.S. Presidential Candidate for the Green Party, Dr. Jill Stein, we talk about the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries.

Pressekonferenz: Stopp Defender 2020 – Nein zu NATO-Kriegsmanövern

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable the content on this page into English.

11. March 2020

Julian Assange Global Protest with Roger Waters, Vivienne Westwood, Varoufakis, Brian Eno & more!

This video documents the “Don’t Extradite Assange” protest that took place in London on the 22nd of February, 2020.

10. March 2020

Human Rights Lawyer Jennifer Robinson on the Dangers of Extraditing Julian Assange

Human Rights Lawyer Jennifer Robinson on the Dangers of Extraditing Julian Assange

9. March 2020

Der vergessene Konflikt in Jemen – Was Sie wissen sollten | Teil 2 mit Matthias Gast

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable the content on this page into English.

8. March 2020

Jill Stein predicted the sabotage of Bernie Sanders within the Democratic Party

In this video Jill Stein predicts the sabotage of Bernie Sanders within the Democratic Party. To watch the full interview, please click here.