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Search: “edward snowden”

We found 1,056 results for your search.

9. May 2021

The Issue Ignored by the Media: How the Military Affects our Climate & Democracy

The Issue Ignored by the Media: How the Military Affects our Climate & Democracy

7. May 2021

What is happening in Colombia?

In this interview, we speak with Joshua Collins, a freelance journalist based in Bogotá, Colombia, from where he covers Latin America.

EDITORIAL PICK: Former hostage responds to top diplomat calling Al Qaeda a US ‘asset’ in Syria

In this week’s editorial pick for our Import program, we select an interview from the Grayzone project with former Al Qaeda hostage and Journalist Lindsey Snell.

4. May 2021

Celebrate World Press Freedom Day with acTVism Munich

In this video we discuss the importance of World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated each year on May 3rd.

29. April 2021

Why We Need Indigenous Peoples to Save Our Forests

Aufgrund limitierter finanzieller Mittel stehen manche Videos ggf. derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung. Spenden Sie auf unser Crowdfunding-Projekt, um uns mit der Übersetzung zu unterstützen.

26. April 2021

Do we need Systemic or Individual Changes to address the Climate Crisis?

Do we need Systemic or Individual Changes to address the Climate Crisis?

22. April 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Daniel Ellsberg at 90 – “It’s Still Possible to Save Humanity”

EDITORIAL PICK: Daniel Ellsberg at 90 – “It’s Still Possible to Save Humanity”.

16. April 2021

Shocking Decision in Free Speech Case Against Human Rights Activist Craig Murray

Aufgrund limitierter finanzieller Mittel stehen manche Videos ggf. derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung. Spenden Sie auf unser Crowdfunding-Projekt, um uns mit der Übersetzung zu unterstützen.

14. April 2021

How Military Spending Affects the Corona Virus Crisis | Andrew Feinstein

This video from “Share the World’s Resources” explains how military spending adversely affects our ability to deal with the Corona virus.