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Search: “edward snowden”

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3. April 2018

VIDEO: Edward Snowden Event – An Exclusive look Behind the Scenes

This video documents the last 2 days leading up to the event.

31. March 2018

REWIND: Germany’s Reaction to Edward Snowden’s NSA Revelations | With Glenn Greenwald

In this video from the 1st of December 2014, acTVism Munich asks Glenn Greenwald at a press conference in Munich about the German government’s reaction towards Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations.

24. December 2017

The Edward Snowden Interview in Munich that the Media in Germany did not pay any attention to

This interview was undertaken by acTVism Munich on the 15th of January 2017 in Munich and was published in different parts due to technical difficulties. Hence it was republished today as one full version.

2. October 2017

The full Translation: Snowden, Chomsky & Greenwald – A Conversation on Privacy

In March of 2016, acTVism Munich contacted the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioural Sciences for permission to translate into German an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky with the goal of creating awareness in Germany on the issues discussed pertaining to privacy and democracy.

5. September 2017

The Edward Snowden Interview in Munich that the Media in Germany did not pay any attention to

This interview was undertaken by acTVism Munich on the 15th of January 2017 in Munich and was published in different parts due to technical difficulties. Hence it was republished today as one full version.

1. September 2017

Edward Snowden Exclusive | The Deep State & Revolution – Why we need to become Active Today

This interview was undertaken by acTVism Munich on the 15th of January 2017 in Munich and was published in different parts due to technical difficulties. Hence it was republished today as one full version.

12. June 2017

REWIND: Edward Snowden on the History of the Surveillance State & Covert Operations

In this interview we talk to Edward Snowden about the history of the surveillance state and a number of cover operations that it conducted in the past. In addition we surface the work of a number of whistleblowers that did not receive notable media attention despite the significance of their work on our society.

12. May 2017

REWIND: Video Series with Glenn Greenwald – The Case of Edward Snowden

In this video series we interview journalist and author Glenn Greenwald. In June 2013 Greenwald became widely known after The Guardian published the first of a series of reports detailing United States and British global surveillance programs, based on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden. The series on which Greenwald worked along with others won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

10. April 2017

FULL EVENT VIDEO: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context with Edward Snowden & leading International Experts

FULL EVENT VIDEO: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context At the end of the Second World War a new era of globalization of capital and production began that continues on today and is enforced through manifold free trade agreements. Another turning point was 9/11. Since then, an increased military presence and an expanding […]