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Search: “edward snowden”

We found 1,054 results for your search.

19. May 2016

NSA Spies Sought to Push Latin America Toward ‘US Objectives’

Documents leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden show the United States was training spies to influence events in the Americas.

18. March 2016

NSA Worldwide Spying – Five Big Unanswered Questions

For the English article, visit the original source: The Intercept

3. July 2024

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak.

2. July 2024

Enduring Media Lies And Myths About Julian Assange: DEBUNKED

Enduring Media Lies And Myths About Julian Assange: DEBUNKED

1. July 2024

Defending “Democracy?”: Western Media Acknowledges Ukraine’s History of Stifling Dissent

Defending “Democracy?”: Western Media Acknowledges Ukraine’s History of Stifling Dissent.

28. June 2024

Why Won’t the US Help Negotiate a Peaceful End to the War in Ukraine?

Warum helfen die USA nicht dabei, ein friedliches Ende des Krieges in der Ukraine auszuhandeln?

25. June 2024

Is it Permissible to Question U.S. / Israeli Claims Made About October 7th?

Is it Permissible to Question U.S. / Israeli Claims Made About October 7th?.

24. June 2024

Russian Warships in Cuba as U.S. Funds Azov Brigade & War Escalates: Author Lev Golinkin Explains

Russian Warships in Cuba as U.S. Funds Azov Brigade & War Escalates: Author Lev Golinkin Explains.