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Search: “edward snowden”

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1. November 2016

Petition of the Day: Stop BND Reform

This Petition is aimed at stopping a coming reform of the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany. Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English.

27. October 2016

The Schamberger Report VI

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

21. October 2016

Quo Vadis, CDU? Kiesewetter: fight “Russian Hegemony in Syria”

Due to limited resources this article is only available in German. Donate today so we can translate similar articles into the english language

20. October 2016

Ernst Wolff: IMF, Greece, Activism and Mainstream Media

In this video we continue to interview journalist and author Ernst Wolff. Wolff’s latest book is called “Pillaging the World: The History and Politics of the IMF” which is also available in German and Arabic. This video series aims to provide context behind the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the role it has played in world affairs since its formation up until the current period.

17. October 2016

Change of Online TV Program – October 2016

Due to our event announcement tomorrow, we will delay the release of our video with Ernst Wolff. The video will be released on the 20th of October and not as planned on the 18th of October.

12. October 2016

The Schamberger Report V

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

7. October 2016

The Schamberger Report IV

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

5. October 2016

Joseph Gerson: US Foreign Policy, Japan and Ramstein

Im folgenden Video spricht acTVism Munich mit Joseph Gerson über US-Außenpolitik, Japan und Russland. Gerson arbeitet als Abrüstungskoordinator für das American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), sowie als Leiter der Programme in Neuengland und des Programms für Frieden und Wirtschaftssicherheit. Er ist seit 1976 für AFSC tätig. Die Organisation war 1947 Preisträger des Friedensnobelpreises.

4. October 2016

Ernst Wolff: What’s Behind the Drama of Deutsche Bank?

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and dub all of our work into English. Click here to donate!