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Search: “noam chomsky”

We found 1,025 results for your search.

18. May 2019

Max Blumenthal – The Management of Savagery & the Venezuelan Crisis

In this exclusive interview with award-winning & independent journalist, best-selling author and the founder of the Grayzone Project, Max Blumenthal, we talk about his latest book called “The Management of Savagery”

13. May 2019

Rainer Mausfeld über Anarchismus, Wikileaks, Prinzipien der Demokratie & die Rolle der Wirtschaft

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

22. April 2019

Rainer Mausfeld, Edward Snowden, Gerald Hüther & Abby Martin – Veränderung ist möglich!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

19. April 2019

Start your monthly contribution today and help us improve the media landscape!

acTVism Munich is an independent, non-profit and bilingual media organisation that is largely operated by volunteers.

14. April 2019

The acTVism-File: Julian Assange & Wikileaks

In this post we provide a chronological overview of all videos that we produced since our inception on the topic of Julian Assange & Wikileaks.
In this post we provide a chronological overview of all videos that we produced since our inception on the topic of Julian Assange & Wikileaks.

11. April 2019

acTVism Statement: “Stand with Assange and Protect Press Freedom”

Today on the 11th of April 2019 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

3. April 2019

George Monbiot: Alienation, Environmental Breakdown and the Search for a New Progressive Narrative

In this video founder of Kontext TV-, Fabian Scheidler, interviews, George Monbiot, columnist with the Guardian and author of Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burningand Out of the Wreckage. A New Politics for an Age of Crisis.

20. March 2019

Support acTVism Munich today with only Euro 5 a Month to Help make a Difference!

acTVism Munich is an independent, non-profit and bilingual media organisation that is largely operated by volunteers.

18. March 2019

»Die Erfindung der bedrohten Republik« – Buch von David Goeßmann, mit einem Vorwort von Konstantin Wecker

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.