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Search: “edward snowden”

We found 1,055 results for your search.

21. November 2019

Abby Martin on Julian Assange, Coup in Bolivia, Bernie Sanders & Gaza

In this interview with Abby Martin we talk about the case of Julian Assange and the situation unfolding in Bolivia.

18. November 2019

acTVism Editorial Pick: Julian Assange’s Extradition Process Is ‘A Charade’

In this video, produced by The Real News Network and translated into German by acTVism Munich, John Pilger, who was present at Julian Assange’s last court hearing, gives us his perspective on what happened.

6. November 2019

“The Doomsday Machine” | Interview with Daniel Ellsberg – Former Nuclear War Planner & Whistleblower

In this interview we talk to a former U.S military analyst of the RAND corporation and whistleblower of the Pentagon papers, Daniel Ellsberg, about his personal journey and why he decided to blow the whistle in 1971.

18. October 2019

Do Animals have Consciousness, Emotions & a Sense of Fairness? | Interview with Primatologist Frans De Waal

In this interview we talk to primatologist and best selling author, Frans De Waal, about his personal journey and how the field of animal studies has evolved since he began his practice.

3. October 2019

Modern Monetary Theory & Economic Education | With Stephanie Kelton – Part 1

In this interview we talk to Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Public Policy & Economics, author and economic advisor to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in 2016, about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and the basic economic concepts related to it.

22. September 2019

Ignorance or Concealment? Germany’s leading daily News Outlet fails to report on U.S. War Crimes

The most watched daily news segment in Germany, the Tagesschau, failed to report on U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan even though it regularly reports on the terrorist attacks of the Taliban.

Ignorance or Concealment? Germany’s leading daily News Outlet fails to report on U.S. War Crimes | Zain Raza

The most watched daily news segment in Germany, the Tagesschau, failed to report on U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan even though it regularly reports on the war crimes/terrorist attacks of the Taliban.

17. September 2019

Financial Crisis & Fraud – A Guide with former Financial Regulator William Bill Black

In this exclusive interview with former U.S. financial regulator, author and academic, William Bill Black, we define and talk about the role of a financial regulator generally.

8. September 2019

World War 1, Propaganda & War Profiteering – The Untold History of the United States | Peter Kuznick

In this interview with Professor of History Peter Kuznick we examine the first chapter of the Book “The Untold History of the United States”.