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Russia announces nuclear drills, Israel begins attack on Rafah & student protests

Russia announces nuclear drills, Israel begins attack on Rafah & student protests

8. Mai 2024

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In this episode of The Source, we speak with author, history professor and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, Peter Kuznick, about recent developments related to the situation in Israel-Gaza and Ukraine. To begin the interview, we assess the recent Israeli military operation in Rafah, Gaza, and inquire why the U.S. has not acted despite stating that this is a red line. Secondly, we examine the student protests taking place across the US calling for an end to US support for Israel’s assault in Gaza and question whether they are anti-Semitic. Finally, we discuss recent developments related to the war in Ukraine, including Russia’s announcement that it will conduct tests of tactical nuclear weapons in response to provocative statements made by European leaders about sending troops to Ukraine.

VIDEO: Russia announces nuclear drills, Israel begins attack on Rafah & student protests

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Peter Kuznick is Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University in Washington, D.C. He’s the co-author of the book The Untold History of the United States, written together with Hollywood film director and producer Oliver Stone. He was active in the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements and remains active in antiwar and nuclear abolition efforts.

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