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Israel and Palestine Conflict - Everything You need to Know

Israel and Palestine Conflict – Everything You need to Know

10. Oktober 2023

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In this episode of The Source, we talk with independent journalist, author and economist Dr. Shir Hever about the current conflict between Israel and Palestine and how it came to be. We then examine the role of decades of Israeli occupation and apartheid and whether it is related to the current escalation of violence. We assess the role of the Western media before the conflict erupted and ask whether they reported with the same frequency and quality when Israel was committing crimes against humanity against Palestinians. We also talk about the international law that Western politicians invoke when it comes to Ukraine, for example, and whether the same standard applies to Palestine, where Israel has not only acted as an occupying power since 1967, but also continues to drive local populations off their land in order to build new settlements on it. Finally, we discuss what approach the international community can take today to achieve a lasting and sustainable peace between Israel and Palestine.

VIDEO: Israel and Palestine Conflict – Everything You need to Know

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Dr. Shir Hever is an independent economic researcher and journalist. He writes articles and research for various venues and gives lectures in political and academic venues. He is the author of The Privatisation of Israeli Security (Pluto, 2017) and The Political Economy of Israel’s Occupation (Pluto, 2010). He is currently the military embargo coordinator of the BNC (Boycott National Committee) of the BDS movement.

1 Antwort auf „Israel and Palestine Conflict – Everything You need to Know“

So much I wold like to bring this interview to the knowledge of many German speaking people who understand Englsh perfectly. But – – – the questions were spoken so quickly
that the context of the important answers of Shir Hever is not understandable.
So unfortunately I can’t pass this interview on to my palestine-information-net . .

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