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Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

21. Mai 2024

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In this video, we provide an update on the extradition case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from London, England. During a two-hour permission to appeal hearing on Monday May 20 at the Royal Courts of Justice, Judges Victoria Sharp and Jeremy Johnson listened to arguments presentated by both the Crown Prosecution Service and the defense. The judges also took into consideration both parties written submissions. Shortly after the hearing concluded, The High Court issued its decision in favor of Mr. Assange, thus permitting him to appeal the extradition order on two technical grounds.

  • To watch our previous updates on this case, click here.

VIDEO: Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

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Taylor Hudak is an American-Hungarian journalist and covers issues focused on human rights, free speech, press freedom, US foreign policy and corruption. She researches, writes and produces video reports and interviews for acTVism Munich. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from Kent State University.

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