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Tag: wikileaks

11. July 2016

Wikileaks: Exclusive Interview with Investigations Editor Sarah Harrison

In this exclusive interview with Wikileaks Sections Editor, Sarah Harrison, we talk about the case of Julian Assange, the findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention, national security, international law and how one can support whistleblowers.

15. June 2016

Prosecution tasked to investigate Assange are being criminally investigated themselves

Prosecution tasked to investigate Assange are being criminally investigated themselves Today on the 15th of June 2016, Wikileaks announced on their Facebook page that the Swedish police have launched a criminal investigation into prosecutor Marrianne Ny over her handling of the Assange case.  Marrianne Ny (Swedish Prosecution Authority) heads the investigation against Assange that accuses him […]

26. May 2016

WikiLeaks Exposes Text from Secretly Negotiated TISA Trade Deal

The classified annex to the draft “core text” of the Trade in Services Agreement is part of what is being secretly negotiated by the U.S., EU and 22 countries.

25. May 2016

Yanis Varoufakis talks about Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism with acTVism Munich

In this interview with the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis a host of issues are discussed which include privatization, human rights, media, his experience with the EU and capitalism’s ability to reform.

20. May 2016

Whistleblowers speak out on acTVism Munich

Welcome to acTVism Munich’s whistleblower compilation page. Here you will find our videos with former high-ranking officials & employees turned whistleblowers from various intelligence agencies and corporations, who when confronted with injustice and wrongdoing, had the courage to speak with the aim of informing the public.

19. May 2016

acTVism Munich on Radio!

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English.

14. May 2016

WikiLeaks: Brazil’s Interim President Temer served as US-Informant

The investigative website WikiLeaks has once again revealed documents about the Brazilian interim president Michael Temer, wherafter he was an Informant for the USA.

9. May 2016

Noam Chomsky on US Military Presence in Europe & the Case of Edward Snowden

In this interview with MIT professor, anarchist, philosopher and renowned linguist, Noam Chomsky, we discuss US military presence in Europe and the case of Edward Snowden.

26. April 2016

Spy Chief Complains That Edward Snowden Sped Up Spread of Encryption by 7 Years

acTVism Munich translated this piece from the “The Intercept” website into German. For the English article, visit the original source:
“The Intercept”.