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Tag: wikileaks

11. December 2021

Assange Update: UK High Court Rules on Extradition to the US

In this video, we provide an update on the latest court hearing in the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

10. December 2021

Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!

Can we save Assange? We will not give up! Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky & others speak out!

8. December 2021

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

In this second part of the interview series with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay, we assess why the national security state is after Assange.

11. November 2021

Day 1 Assange Hearings: Statements from Wikileaks, Reporters without Borders, Stella Moris & others

Day 1 Assange Hearings: Statements from Wikileaks, Reporters without Borders, Stella Moris & others.

2. December 2018

NOW IN GERMAN: Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & Future of Europe

In this exclusive interview with bestselling author, former finance minister of Greece and the co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, Yanis Varoufakis, we talk about the case of Julian Assange.

8. December 2016

A New Documentary Explores the Devastating Effects of Drone Warfare on Victims and Whistleblowers

acTVism Munich translated this article from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.

6. December 2016

In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever – Greenwald

acTVism Munich translated this article from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.

14. November 2016

Is Disclosure of Podesta’s Emails a Step Too Far? A Conversation With Naomi Klein

acTVism Munich translated this interview from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.

9. November 2016

3 Recent Wikileaks Revelations that You Should Know About

In this video produced by the Real News Network, the most significant Wikileaks revelations pertaining to Hillary Clinton, which were largely ignored by the mainstream media in Europe, are revealed.