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Tag: Ukraine

7. May 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: Ukraine and the Doomsday Machine – Larry Wilkerson and Paul Jay

EDITORIAL PICK: Ukraine and the Doomsday Machine – Larry Wilkerson and Paul Jay.

21. April 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: Chris Hedges on Ukraine and Russia

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12. April 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: Ukraine Crisis: The IMF Connection

EDITORIAL PICK: Ukraine Crisis: The IMF Connection.

8. April 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: The War in Ukraine and the Glaring Omissions in Discourse about It

Glenn and Q. discuss how the US media treats this is as the first war to ever occur, and how this lack of memory leads to a lopsided view of what’s happening and an unjustified moral righteousness by the US.

4. April 2022

Chomsky: “Verhindern wir einen Atomkrieg, anstatt über einen „gerechten Krieg“ zu diskutieren

Chomsky: “Verhindern wir einen Atomkrieg, anstatt über einen „gerechten Krieg“ zu diskutieren.

21. March 2022

Ukraine Crisis: The IMF Connection

The economic doctrine promoted by the IMF after the fall of the Berlin Wall brought massive damage in the countries now at war.

16. March 2022

Prof. Chomsky: Friedensverhandlungen in der Ukraine ohne Beteiligung der USA „aussichtslos“

Chomsky: Peace Talks in Ukraine “Will Get Nowhere” If US Keeps Refusing to Join.

14. March 2022

YouTube blocks content that could be interpreted as denial of Russian invasion

YouTube blocks content that could be interpreted as denial of Russian invasion.