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Tag: russiagate

17. April 2024

“Shockingly Deranged.” Glenn Debunks Havana Syndrome Propaganda

“Shockingly Deranged.” Glenn Debunks Havana Syndrome Propaganda.

13. March 2024

Glenn Greenwald & Aaron Maté Revisit the Russiagate Scandal

Glenn Greenwald & Aaron Maté Revisit the Russiagate Scandal.

10. November 2023

Matt Taibbi on Israel-Gaza Censorship and New Govt “Disinfo” Schemes

Matt Taibbi on Israel-Gaza Censorship and New Govt “Disinfo” Schemes.

28. August 2022

Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate slam corporate media disinfo at Collision Toronto

Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate slam corporate media disinfo at Collision Toronto.

4. August 2022

Grayzone challenges Guardian reporter on US state-funded Syria smears

Grayzone challenges Guardian reporter on US state-funded Syria smears

12. July 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: Bernie and the Squad surrender to the war machine’s Ukraine scam

EDITORIAL PICK: Bernie and the Squad surrender to the war machine’s Ukraine scam.

12. June 2022

Former CIA Officer: How Hillary personally oversaw one of Russiagate’s biggest fakes

Former CIA Officer: How Hillary personally oversaw one of Russiagate’s biggest fakes.