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Tag: israel occupation

14. February 2025

Israel’s Prison Network Detains and Tortures Palestinians with Impunity

Israel’s Prison Network Detains and Tortures Palestinians with Impunity

5. March 2024

Germany’s “Wiretapping Scandal”, CIA bases in Ukraine & the recent Massacre in Gaza

Germany’s “Wiretapping Scandal”, CIA bases in Ukraine & the recent Massacre in Gaza

14. December 2023

Israel and Palestine | Noam Chomsky, Abby Martin, Chris Hedges & Dr. Shir Hever

Israel and Palestine | Noam Chomsky, Abby Martin, Chris Hedges & Dr. Shir Hever

16. November 2023

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs – Why is the US blocking a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas?

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs – Why is the US blocking a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas?

3. November 2023

DANGEROUS: Embracing bin Laden’s 9/11 Theory to Target Civilians in Israel-Gaza War

DANGEROUS: Embracing bin Laden’s 9/11 Theory to Target Civilians in Israel-Gaza War.

24. October 2023

Noam Chomsky – Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?

Noam Chomsky – Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?

22. October 2023

Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt Dissects the Israel-Gaza War

Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt Dissects the Israel-Gaza War.

20. October 2023

The Hospital Attack & the Destruction of Gaza | Dr. Shir Hever

The Hospital Attack & the Destruction of Gaza | Dr. Shir Hever.

19. October 2023

Hamas’ Attack on Israel & the Roots of the Conflict – International Lawyer Dimitri Lascaris

Hamas’ Attack on Israel & the Roots of the Conflict – International Lawyer Dimitri Lascaris.