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Tag: irak

18. April 2024

What Role is the US Playing in the Escalating Mid-East War between Iran and Israel?

What Role is the US Playing in the Escalating Mid-East War between Iran and Israel?.

11. March 2024

Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Ends Her Reign: Exposing a Catastrophic Career

Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Ends Her Reign: Exposing a Catastrophic Career.

3. March 2024

Should the U.S. Withdraw Its Troops from Iraq and Syria? – Joshua Landis

Should the U.S. Withdraw Its Troops from Iraq and Syria? – Joshua Landis.

21. November 2022

Wilkerson on Militarism and Regrets About Iraq War

Wilkerson on Militarism and Regrets About Iraq War

15. July 2022

CIA Interrogator of Saddam Hussein reveals the lies of the Iraq War

RÜCKBLICK: Saddam Husseins Vernehmer bei der CIA enthüllt Lügen des Irakkriegs.

7. June 2022

Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern on confronting war criminals

Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern on confronting war criminals.

22. May 2021

The True Costs of War | Post-9/11 Analysis with Dr. Stephanie Savell

In this episode of The Source we talk to Dr. Stephanie Savell about the true cost of war since 9/11.

9. March 2021

The State of the Empire under the Biden Admin. | With Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson

In this video, we interview former US Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson about the state of the U.S. empire under the Biden administration.