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Tag: history

15. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War

In the first part of our video series on Ukraine with history professor and author Peter Kuznick, we examine the context of the current Ukraine crisis and look at the role the U.S. and Russia have played there in the past.

13. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War.

28. September 2021

Afghanistan: Important Facts that are largely Ignored by the Media | Part 2

In the second part of our interview series on Afghanistan, we continue our conversation with author and professor of history at American University in Washington DC Peter Kuznick, who now examines the evolution of the United States’ role in relation to Afghanistan and the region from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century.

6. November 2019

“The Doomsday Machine” | Interview with Daniel Ellsberg – Former Nuclear War Planner & Whistleblower

In this interview we talk to a former U.S military analyst of the RAND corporation and whistleblower of the Pentagon papers, Daniel Ellsberg, about his personal journey and why he decided to blow the whistle in 1971.

21. March 2019

The Roots of American Exceptionalism & Alternative Visions to it | With Peter Kuznick

In this exclusive interview with author, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, Peter Kuznick, we talk about the thinking of “American Exceptionalism”, what it means, its history and modern form.

5. February 2019

The Untold History of the United States & Nuclear Weapons | With Prof. Peter Kuznick

In this exclusive interview with author, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, Peter Kuznick, we introduce the book “The Untold History of the United States” and bring up facts that seldom appear in mainstream discourse.

12. May 2016

acTVism Presents: “The Rules” Animation

Today acTVism Munich presents two animated videos from “The Rules” – “Keep Connecting Dots” and “How To Feel Good About Poverty”.