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Tag: Glenn Greenwald

26. March 2016

Glenn Greenwald about Brussel Terror Attacks

Glenn Greenwald recently appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss the current situation in Brazil, the terror attacks in Brussels and the presidential race.

In the following Video, Greenwald speaks about the Brussel terrorist attacks and the reactions by the media and politicians

25. March 2016

Islamic State Bragged That Its Attacks Would Help Break Up the European Union

For the English article, visit the original source The Intercept

18. March 2016

NSA Worldwide Spying – Five Big Unanswered Questions

For the English article, visit the original source: The Intercept

7. March 2016

CIA Analyst Ray McGovern – Exclusive Interview Video

In this video acTVism Munich interviews former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) analyst, Ray McGovern, who talks about his experience in the agency and the reasons that led him to become an activist and outspoken critic of the US government.