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Tag: George Bush

17. June 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israeli Escalations, Ukraine’s Losses and More

Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israeli Escalations, Ukraine’s Losses and More.

11. September 2023

Investigating the Saudi Government 9/11 Connection

Investigating the Saudi Government 9/11 Connection.

20. March 2023

20th Anniversary: The US War of Aggression against Iraq

20th Anniversary: The US War of Aggression against Iraq.

4. July 2016

Muted Headlines on the CIA – June & July 2016

These headlines about the CIA were reported by Democracy Now! in June & July 2016. acTVism compiled and translated them into the German language.

1. October 2015

VIDEO: Exclusive Interview with former NSA-Technical Director William Binney

In this video acTVism Munich interviews William Binney to talk about his experience at the National Security Agency (NSA) where worked for circa 36 years and how he uncovered fraud, crime and corruption at the agency. Other issues that are discussed in detail include the role & significance of whistleblowers in society, scope & capacity of the US intelligence state and solutions that the government as well as the individual can employ to reform the NSA.