For the English article, visit the original source: The Intercept
CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, March 14, 2016– Distinguished American linguist, philosopher and political activist, Noam Chomsky, has officially endorsed DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement launched last month by Greece’s former Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis.
In this video acTVism Munich asks Glenn Greenwald at a press conference in Munich about German governments reactions towards Edward Snowden’s revelations and whether its actions were meaningful. Greenwald also provides his opinion about previous programs that were implemented after World War II which were targeted at the civilian population of the US that include […]
In this video Glenn Greenwald analyzes the Internet’s potential. He considers it as as an “incredibly valuable tool” for democratic participation & liberalization but also surfaces the dangers that it can pose if it falls into the hands of unaccountable & concentrated power. According to Greenwald there’s a “battle that is being waged” between the […]
Greenwald: Social Media, Edward Snowden, Activism & Journalism and Solutions Glenn Greenwald is an American lawyer, journalist and author. In June 2013 Greenwald became widely known after The Guardian published the first of a series of reports detailing United States and British global surveillance programs, based on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden. The series […]
The “Freedom instead of Fear (FST) took place on the 10th of October, 2015, in Munich. acTVism Munich interviewed one of the demonstrators, Franz Haslbeck who his experience and opinion on this demonstration. Due to limitied capacities, acTVism translated only bits and pieces of the voll full German interview. Franz Haslbeck is a local activist and […]
In this video acTVism Munich interviews William Binney to talk about his experience at the National Security Agency (NSA) where worked for circa 36 years and how he uncovered fraud, crime and corruption at the agency. Other issues that are discussed in detail include the role & significance of whistleblowers in society, scope & capacity of the US intelligence state and solutions that the government as well as the individual can employ to reform the NSA.
On the 18th of April 2015, Bündnis STOP TTIP organized a STOP TTIP-Demonstration against transnational agreements such as #TTIP, #TISA and #CETA. An estimated 19,000 people took part in the demonstration. In this acTVism report, we asked experts about the underlying contradictions and problems of free trade agreements and accompanied them with solutions that the individual can implement. […]
In the following Videos acTVism Munich interviews Chris Hedges to discuss a wide range of topics, including the interests that really dictate U.S policy both domestically and abroad, government surveillance globally and the role of activism. CHRIS HEDGES – VIDEO INTERVIEW PART 1 CHRIS HEDGES – VIDEO INTERVIEW PART 2 To see our previous work […]