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Tag: Democrats

26. July 2024

Biden’s withdrawal, US deployment of Tomahawks in Germany & the war in Ukraine | Prof. Kuznick

Biden’s withdrawal, US deployment of Tomahawks in Germany & the war in Ukraine | Prof. Kuznick.

Democrats Wish Speedy Recovery to “Fascist Dictator Adolf Hitler”

Democrats Wish Speedy Recovery to “Fascist Dictator Adolf Hitler”.

12. February 2024

Mask-Off: Pelosi Accuses Anti-Israel Protesters of Kremlin Ties

Mask-Off: Pelosi Accuses Anti-Israel Protesters of Kremlin Ties.

5. January 2024

Unravelling the Pre-Trump, Anti-Interventionism of the US Right, with Ron Paul

Unravelling the Pre-Trump, Anti-Interventionism of the US Right, with Ron Paul.

12. July 2022

EDITORIAL PICK: Bernie and the Squad surrender to the war machine’s Ukraine scam

EDITORIAL PICK: Bernie and the Squad surrender to the war machine’s Ukraine scam.

13. May 2022

Greenwald: The US Anti-War Left is Dead. The Squad’s $40b War Vote Just Killed It.

Greenwald: The US Anti-War Left is Dead. The Squad’s $40b War Vote Just Killed It.

27. June 2016

The Cluster-Bomb Industry and why it cannot be stopped

In this article we cover the business with cluster bombs and why it is not being stopped. acTVism Munich translated two articles from “The Intercept” as well as “Democracy Now!” for this piece.