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Tag: biden

22. February 2022

Escalation in Ukraine – NATO & Russia | Prof. Kuznick

Escalation in Ukraine – NATO & Russia | Prof. Kuznick

8. February 2022

“War on Truth” – Marianne Williamson talks to Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris

“War on Truth” – Marianne Williamson talks to Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris.

2. February 2022

UPDATE: Julian Assange to Apply to Appeal Extradition at the UK Supreme Court

In diesem Video berichten wir über den aktuellen Stand des Auslieferungsverfahrens gegen den WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange.

1. February 2022

UPDATE: Julian Assange to Apply to Appeal Extradition at the UK Supreme Court

In this video, we provide the latest update on the extradition proceedings of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The Ukraine Crisis Explained: United States versus Russia

The Ukraine Crisis Explained: United States versus Russia.

28. January 2022

The Ukraine Crisis Explained: United States versus Russia

The Ukraine Crisis Explained: United States versus Russia.

16. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 2: NATO, Russian Invasion & the Prospect of World War 3

In the second part of our video series on Ukraine with history professor and author Peter Kuznick, we examine current developments in Ukraine, particularly whether Russia would invade.

15. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War

In the first part of our video series on Ukraine with history professor and author Peter Kuznick, we examine the context of the current Ukraine crisis and look at the role the U.S. and Russia have played there in the past.