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Tag: Berlin

24. April 2016

VIDEO: TTIP-CETA Demonstration in Hanover

On the 23rd of April 2016 a coalition of 20 activist networks organized a demonstration under the banner “Stop TTIP & CETA” in Hanover (Germany) against so called transnational free trade agreements such as TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) – a day before the arrival of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama, who will be opening the Hanover exhibition together with the aim of promoting these agreements.

15. April 2016

WikiLeaks: IMF Anticipates Greek “Disaster”

acTVism Munich has only translated this piece from the WikiLeaks website. For the English article, visit the original source: WikiLeaks

26. March 2016

Glenn Greenwald about Brussel Terror Attacks

Glenn Greenwald recently appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss the current situation in Brazil, the terror attacks in Brussels and the presidential race.

In the following Video, Greenwald speaks about the Brussel terrorist attacks and the reactions by the media and politicians

25. March 2016

Islamic State Bragged That Its Attacks Would Help Break Up the European Union

For the English article, visit the original source The Intercept

6. February 2016

Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Became “Yes”

Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Became “Yes”

1. October 2015

VIDEO: Exclusive Interview with former NSA-Technical Director William Binney

In this video acTVism Munich interviews William Binney to talk about his experience at the National Security Agency (NSA) where worked for circa 36 years and how he uncovered fraud, crime and corruption at the agency. Other issues that are discussed in detail include the role & significance of whistleblowers in society, scope & capacity of the US intelligence state and solutions that the government as well as the individual can employ to reform the NSA.

9. July 2015

Conrad Schuhler – Tod oder Wiedergeburt der EU?

Due to limitied financial and technical resources as a nonprofit and volunteer-based organization, this content is only  available in English. Donate by clicking on the picture so that we can translate all of our pieces in English: Donate today to support independent, non-profit and investigative journalism! Click here or on the picture below:

23. April 2015

TTIP-Demonstration Munich

On the 18th of April 2015, Bündnis STOP TTIP organized a STOP TTIP-Demonstration against transnational agreements such as #‎TTIP‬, ‪#‎TISA‬ and ‪#‎CETA. An estimated 19,000 people took part in the demonstration. In this acTVism report, we asked experts about the underlying contradictions and problems of free trade agreements and accompanied them with solutions that the individual can implement. […]