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In this section you will find our content on regional and international developments.

5. April 2016

Kampagne gegen die BDS Bewegung?

Die BDS Gruppe Berlin versteht sich als Teil der weltweit wachsenden palästinensischen BDS Bewegung. Letzten Monat kündigte die DAB Bank die Geschäftsbeziehung mit den Aktivisten, wovon die Jerusalem Post außergewöhnlich schnell erfuhr.

3. April 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Former Advisor considers Noam Chomsky’s Political Views as “Ridiculous” leaked Emails Reveal

A newly discovered Email in Hillary Clinton’s Email archive available on WikiLeaks [1] dating back to the 17th of May, 2010, shows that Sidney Blumenthal, former aide to President Bill Clinton and long-time confidant to Hillary Clinton, sent an Email to Hillary Clinton when she was serving in the State Department in regards to the barring of Noam Chomsky’s entry into Israel .

“Jürgen Todenhöfer, did you ever receive a threat?”

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English.

2. April 2016

Are Applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc safe to use?

In this video, acTVism Munich asks former MI5-Officer, Annie Machon, and Paul Jay, founder of the Real News Network, whether social media is safe for people to use given what was revealed to the public in the wake of Snowden’s revelations in 2013.

30. March 2016

Kommendes Projekt mit Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald und Noam Chomsky

We apologize this post is only available in the German language.

Snowden was right: FBI can hack phones without Apple

acTVism Munich only makes the German translations via The Intercept available on it’s website.
For the English article, visit the original source The Intercept

29. March 2016

The Life of a Whistleblower & How You can Support – Annie Machon (Former MI5-Officer)

In this video posted below, Annie Machon explains what it means to be a whistleblower and how the public can support them

27. March 2016

Navigating Corporate Media with Noam Chomsky, Annie Machon (Former MI5) and Paul Jay (Real News)

State or corporate media outlets are driven by profit-maximization, or in some countries like Germany force citizens to pay a monthly fees, which some consider unconsitutional as they claim that access to a wide range of information

26. March 2016

Glenn Greenwald about Brussel Terror Attacks

Glenn Greenwald recently appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss the current situation in Brazil, the terror attacks in Brussels and the presidential race.

In the following Video, Greenwald speaks about the Brussel terrorist attacks and the reactions by the media and politicians