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In this section you will find our content on regional and international developments.

17. June 2020

Wealth of the Super-Rich has increased by $434 billion since the pandemic | Report by IPS

In this interview with Omar Ocampo, researcher on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, we examine why wealth of the very rich has increased by hundreds of billions of dollars since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

16. June 2020

Bill Gates & the Price of Philanthropy | Prof. Linsey McGoey

In this interview with author and Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex Linsey McGoey we provide an in depth analysis of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.

14. June 2020

CIA Spying on Assange: Max Blumenthal & Fidel Narvaez Shed Light on Operation

In this video, we recap the Free the Truth online event, which was held by the Don’t Extradite Assange (DEA) Campaign to continue to bring awareness to Assange’s case.

11. June 2020

The Journalist They Couldn’t Silence

In this documentary, we examine the career of kiwi journalist and activist Suzie Dawson.

10. June 2020

Billionaire Wealth Increases By Over Half Trillion Dollars During The Pandemic | Chuck Collins

In this interview with author, co-editor of and Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies Chuck Collins, we examine the latest wealth gains made by billionaires during the pandemic.

7. June 2020

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

6. June 2020

Demonstrationen in München und Berlin gegen Rassismus und Polizeibrutalität

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

5. June 2020

George Floyd, Black Lives Matter & U.S. Militarisation | Prof. Peter Kuznick

In this exclusive interview with author and Professor of History at American University Peter Kuznick, we talk about George Floyd’s case and provide historical context to it.

Failed Invasion & Coup Plot in Venezuela and US involvement. | Prof. Miguel Salas

In this interview with author, historian and professor at Pomona College in California, Miguel R. Tinker Salas, we examine the recent invasion and coup attempt in Venezuela.