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Search: “abby martin”

We found 861 results for your search.

11. September 2018

Ignorance or Concealment? The false reporting by Germany’s leading News Service Tagesschau on Iraq & North Korea

Am 9. September 2018 verpasste es die Tagesschau, eine der wichtigsten Nachrichtensendungen in Deutschland, die Rolle der amerikanischen Regierung in Ländern wie dem Irak und Nordkorea zu erläutern.

18. July 2018

We are taking a Summer Break – You will find Information regarding our Future here!

We are taking a Summer Break – You will find Information regarding our Future here!

19. June 2018

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dr. Jill Stein – Now Available in German!

We are happy to announce that our volunteers translated and sychronized this interview into the German language as well.

31. May 2018

Powerful Statements from International Experts on how You can change the World for the Better

Here you will find an informative, inspiring and solution oriented video collection that talks about the reasons to why we need to change the world for the better and also surfaces different methods that an individual can apply to accomplish this.

19. May 2018

Dr. Jill Stein on the Corporate State, Russiagate, Military Industrial Complex & System Change

Here you will find the interview with Dr. Jill Stein that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.

17. May 2018

Glenn Greenwald on Donald Trump, NSA Surveillance, Facebook Scandal, Russiagate, Syria, Israel, Gaza & Yemen

Here you will find the interview with Glenn Greenwald that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.

3. April 2018

VIDEO: Edward Snowden Event – An Exclusive look Behind the Scenes

This video documents the last 2 days leading up to the event.