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Search: “edward snowden”

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15. April 2020

Glenn Greenwald on Voting for the Lesser Evil, Sanders, Assange & Civil Liberties during COVID19

In this exclusive interview with investigative journalist, constitutional lawyer and the co-founder of The Intercept Glenn Greenwald, we discuss the general political atmosphere in Brazil during the COVID-19 crisis and the state of the country’s healthcare system.

12. April 2020

Julian Assange’s fiancée (and children) revealed for the first time

In this video originally published on the WikiLeaks channel, Julian Assange’s fiancée and children appear for the first time on the one year anniversary of his arrest inside Ecuador’s London embassy.

Assange 1 Year in Prison Anniversary | Event with Chris Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg & others Recap

In this video Taylor Hudak reflects back on the events leading up to Julian Assange’s arrest inside London’s Ecuadorian embassy on April 11, 2019.

Julian Assange’s fiancée (and children) revealed for the first time

In this video originally published on the WikiLeaks channel, Julian Assange’s fiancée and children appear for the first time on the one year anniversary of his arrest inside Ecuador’s London embassy.

10. April 2020

Exposing Canadian Foreign Policy, Neoliberalism & the collapse of Healthcare in the U.S

In this interview we examine the Canadian & U.S. healthcare system with lawyer, journalist and Green Party member of Canada Dimitri Lascaris.

8. April 2020

The Euroleaks & how Austerity accelerated the Coronavirus | With David Adler

In this interview with David Adler, Policy Director of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), we examine the Euroleaks that were recently released by DiEM25.

Julian Assange Update: Hearing Resumes Next Month Despite Global Pandemic

In this video, we provide the latest update on Julian Assange. Journalist and editor for acTVism Munich Taylor Hudak recaps the April 7th hearing.

7. April 2020

Topics not covered during the Coronavirus Crisis | Taylor Hudak & Zain Raza

In this discussion between Taylor Hudak & Zain Raza, editors and journalists of acTVism Munich, the two discuss topics that have been underreported or missed out during the Coronavirus crisis.