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Search: “abby martin”

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16. February 2020

Report: Munich’s largest Anti-War Demonstration: Protest against the Munich Security Conference

In this video we document the anti-war demonstration that took place on the 15th of February 2020 in Munich against the 56th Munich Security Conference.

14. February 2020

Nils Melzer – UN Special Rapporteur on Torture – examines the case of Assange

In this speech Nils Melzer, a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, examines the case of Julian Assange.

12. February 2020

Public Rally Event for Julian Assange with Wikileaks, Nils Melzer, Tariq Ali, Jen Robinson and more

In this video we publish the complete public rally event for Julian Assange that took place on the 4th of February 2020 at the Royal National Hotel in London.

11. February 2020

Wikileaks Editor in Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson on Julian Assange

In this speech recorded on the 4th of February 2020 in London, Editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks Kristinn Hrafnsson addresses the case of Julian Assange .

British MP Richard Burgon speaks out for Julian Assange & Wikileaks

In this video we interview British MP Richard Burgon about the case of Assange & what individuals can do to protect press freedom.

10. February 2020

Assange’s father John Shipton & Wikileaks Chief Editor Kristinn Hrafnsson on how you can support

In this video we interview Julian Assange’s father John Shipton and Chief Editor of Wikileaks Kristinn Hrafnsson about the case of Julian Assange and how individuals can support him and protect press freedom.

9. February 2020

British MP John McDonnell & Activist John Rees on Assange & how you can support

In this video John McDonnell and John Rees raise awareness on the actions that can be taken by individuals to prevent Assange’s extradition.

7. February 2020

Intellectual Tariq Ali speaks out on Assange’s case & U.S. Wars

In this speech author, writer, filmmaker and public intellectual Tariq Ali speaks about the case of Julian Assange and U.S wars.

6. February 2020

Human Rights Lawyer Jennifer Robinson on the Dangers of Extraditing Julian Assange

In this speech human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson highlights the dangers that the extradition of Julian Assange poses to press freedom.