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Search: “jeremy scahill”

We found 839 results for your search.

3. April 2018

VIDEO: Edward Snowden Event – An Exclusive look Behind the Scenes

This video documents the last 2 days leading up to the event.

19. March 2018

EVENT: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context | Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin

EVENT IN Munich with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context.

1. March 2018

REWIND: Whistleblowers, Investigative Journalists & Insiders speak out on acTVism Munich

Welcome to acTVism Munich’s video archive on whistleblowers, investigative journalists and former insiders.

31. December 2017

acTVism Munich wishes you a happy new year!

acTVism Munich wishes you a happy new year!

30. December 2017

REWIND: The complete acTVism Video Series on the Military Industrial Complex

Here you will find all videos that acTVism Munich produced on the military industrial complex in 2017.

18. July 2017

Announcement: A Message for our Supporters

We’ ve come a long way together, thanks to your donations and the commitment of dedicated volunteers. We are building a truly independent media network, which does not rely on advertisements and state or corporate funding.

15. June 2017

Senate Votes to Approve $500M Sale of Precision-Guided Munitions to Saudi Arabia

On Capitol Hill on the 13th of June 2017, the Senate has voted 53 to 47 to approve the sale of $500 million in precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia. A surprising number of senators voted against the deal, amid increasing concerns about the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has killed more than 10,000 people and included devastating attacks on civilians that human rights groups say may constitute war crimes.

29. April 2017

How do non-profit and independent media outlets measure their success?

In the following video The Real News Network senior editor Paul Jay discusses with acTVism Munich’s senior editor Zain Raza about measuring the success of independent media.

13. April 2017

Raytheon Stocks Surge After Chemical Attack, Personally Benefiting Trump

The stocks of the military contractor Raytheon surged following the missile attack, which used 59 of the company’s Tomahawk missiles, estimated to cost $1.4 million apiece. As stocks surged, Raytheon added about $1 billion to its market value Friday morning. According to financial disclosure filings, President Trump personally invests in Raytheon, meaning he profited directly from the attack.