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Search: “jeremy scahill”

We found 839 results for your search.

19. June 2018

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dr. Jill Stein – Now Available in German!

We are happy to announce that our volunteers translated and sychronized this interview into the German language as well.

23. May 2018

Abby Martin & Dr. Jill Stein on How You can Change the World – A Solution Oriented Discussion

This is the last part of the event which hosted a solution oriented discussion with Abby Martin & Dr. Jill Stein.

19. May 2018

Dr. Jill Stein on the Corporate State, Russiagate, Military Industrial Complex & System Change

Here you will find the interview with Dr. Jill Stein that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.

17. May 2018

Glenn Greenwald on Donald Trump, NSA Surveillance, Facebook Scandal, Russiagate, Syria, Israel, Gaza & Yemen

Here you will find the interview with Glenn Greenwald that we conducted in our recent event called “Freedom & democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.

16. May 2018

Interview with Abby Martin – Corporate Media, Imperialism & People Power

On the 6th of May 2018 we organized an event at the Muffatwerk in Munich with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin under the title „Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0″.

9. May 2018

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO RELEASE: Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin Event – Global issues in Context

On the 6th of May 2018 we organized an event at Muffatwerk in Munich with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin under the title “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0”.

6. May 2018

Thank You for coming! A Message for our Viewers & Supporters

Our entire team would like to personally thank you for taking part in our event with Glenn Greenwald, Abby Martin & Jill Stein.

20. April 2018

EVENT: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context | Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin

EVENT IN MUNICH with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context.