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Search: “jeremy scahill”

We found 839 results for your search.

22. April 2019

Rainer Mausfeld, Edward Snowden, Gerald Hüther & Abby Martin – Veränderung ist möglich!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

19. April 2019

Start your monthly contribution today and help us improve the media landscape!

acTVism Munich is an independent, non-profit and bilingual media organisation that is largely operated by volunteers.

3. April 2019

George Monbiot: Alienation, Environmental Breakdown and the Search for a New Progressive Narrative

In this video founder of Kontext TV-, Fabian Scheidler, interviews, George Monbiot, columnist with the Guardian and author of Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burningand Out of the Wreckage. A New Politics for an Age of Crisis.

30. December 2018

REWIND: The complete Event Video Series – Global Issues in Context

Thank you for visiting our exclusive Rewind video compilation about our event Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context, which we launched in 2017.

11. September 2018

Ignorance or Concealment? The false reporting by Germany’s leading News Service Tagesschau on Iraq & North Korea

Am 9. September 2018 verpasste es die Tagesschau, eine der wichtigsten Nachrichtensendungen in Deutschland, die Rolle der amerikanischen Regierung in Ländern wie dem Irak und Nordkorea zu erläutern.

18. July 2018

We are taking a Summer Break – You will find Information regarding our Future here!

We are taking a Summer Break – You will find Information regarding our Future here!

17. July 2018

Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin Event – Now Available in German!

We are happy to announce that the entire event has been successfully translated, voice-synchronized and edited by our volunteers into the German language and can be viewed by clicking here.