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Search: “Noam Chomsky”

We found 1,040 results for your search.

5. January 2021

acTVism Crowdfunding Update Week 5: Support us today!

355 people have donated and we’ve reached 11,500 Euro thus far. We need at least another 3500 Euros in order to continue our independent journalism in 2021.

Assange Verdict: Statements from WikiLeaks, Assange’s Partner, Reporters Without Borders & more

These statements were recorded by the campaign “Don’t Extradite Assange” on January 4, 2021, shortly after a British court decided that Assange would not be extradited to the U.S.

4. January 2021

Assange Verdict: Statements & Update

BREAKING: Julian Assange will not be Extradited to the United States.

BREAKING: Julian Assange will not be Extradited to the United States

BREAKING NEWS: Julian Assange will not be Extradited to the United States of America.

3. January 2021

Julian Assange’s Last Interview

Julian Assange’s Last Interview before his Arrest | Produced by the World Ethical Data Forum and republished by acTVism Munich e.V..

29. December 2020

acTVism Crowdfunding Update Week 4: Support us today!

acTVism Crowdfunding Update Week 4: 249 people have donated and we’ve reached 8400 Euro thus far.

27. December 2020

Assange-Update: BOMBSHELL Audio Recording Released of Assange & US State Dept. Lawyer

In this Assange-Update, we examine the recently released audio recording published by Project Veritas of a phone call between Julian Assange and a US State Department lawyer dating back to August 2011.

26. December 2020

The Exploitation of Latin America – Dissecting Extractivism as an Economic Model | Bret Gustafson

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview social anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Bret Gustafson, about extractivism in Latin America.

24. December 2020

Crowdfunding-Update Week 3: Support us today!

Status as of 24th of December: 163 people have donated and we’ve reached 5000 Euro thus far. We need at least another 10,000 Euros in order to continue our independent in 2021.