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Search: “edward snowden”

We found 1,056 results for your search.

27. January 2021

A Threat to Free Speech: The Craig Murray Trial

In this video, we provide an in-depth explanation of the petition against former UK ambassador Craig Murray. Murray has been charged on three counts of Contempt of Court in Scotland

26. January 2021

Interview with EcoLeaks | The Fight against Fracking, Exploitation & Colonialism

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Esteban Servat, founder of EcoLeaks, about the background, purpose of the organization and his role in the environmental movement.

24. January 2021

The Exploitation of Latin America – Dissecting Extractivism as an Economic Model | Bret Gustafson

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview social anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Bret Gustafson, about extractivism in Latin America.

20. January 2021

Interview with EcoLeaks | The Fight against Fracking, Exploitation & Colonialism

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Esteban Servat, founder of EcoLeaks, about the background, purpose of the organization and his role in the environmental movement.

18. January 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Navalny poisoning: CIA, MI6, ‘discredited’ state-funded Bellingcat play key role in accusing Russia

In this week’s editorial pick, we select a video by investigative journalist Aaron Mate, who examines accusations by Western governments and media against Russia’s FSB intelligence agency of poisoning opposition activist Alexei Navalny.

10. January 2021

FINAL CROWDFUNDING UPDATE: Result & Update to our Future

FINAL CROWDFUNDING UPDATE: Result & Update to our Future.

8. January 2021

Assange DENIED Bail & 92 year-old Protester Arrested by Police

In this video, we provide an update on what took place during Julian Assange’s bail hearing. Judge Baraitser denied Assange’s bail application and he was returned to Belmarsh Prison.

5. January 2021

NEW ASSANGE-UPDATE: No Extradition but Judge sides with U.S. government

NEW ASSANGE-UPDATE: No Extradition but Judge sides with U.S. government NOTE: Only 1 day remains until our Crowdfunding-Campaign ends. So far we’ve reached 11,500€ via 355 supporters but we need another 3500€ in order to continue our independent journalism for this year. Here is how you can support today: Donate via PayPal: [email protected] Donate via Patreon: Link: […]

acTVism Crowdfunding Update Week 5: Support us today!

355 people have donated and we’ve reached 11,500 Euro thus far. We need at least another 3500 Euros in order to continue our independent journalism in 2021.