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Search: “abby martin”

We found 874 results for your search.

30. March 2021

Hundreds of millionaires advocating for a wealth tax

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Djaffar Shalchi, who is an entrepreneur and philanthropist.

26. March 2021

Editorial Pick: Global Coup d’État – Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance

Nick Buxton is an experienced communications consultant and works as a publications editor and future labs coordinator for The Transnational Institute. He works actively on issues of border politics, climate change, militarism and economic justice and was co-editor of The Secure and the Dispossessed – How the military and corporations are seeking to shape a climate-changed world (Pluto Press, 2015). He is founder and chief editor of TNI’s flagship annual publication, State of Power.

25. March 2021

Climate Scientist Dr. Foley on the best approach to combat Climate Change

In this interview, we talk to climate and environmental scientist Jonathan Foley on the most effective method to approach climate change.

20. March 2021

The State of the Empire under the Biden Admin. | With Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson

Wilkerson speaks about US foreign policy under the Biden Administration and what the public can expect during the next four years.

19. March 2021

SCANDAL: The OPCW Syria Cover-up exposed by Journalist Aaron Mate

In this video, we speak with The Grayzone journalist Aaron Mate on the latest update on the OPCW scandal

18. March 2021

Stopping the destruction of Mother Nature | The Stop Ecocide Campaign

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Jojo Mehta, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Stop Ecocide International about the background and purpose of the Stop Ecocide campaign.

9. March 2021

The State of the Empire under the Biden Admin. | With Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson

In this video, we interview former US Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson about the state of the U.S. empire under the Biden administration.

4. March 2021

Max Blumenthal Exposes Secret UK-funded Program Aimed at Undermining Russia

In this video, we speak with Max Blumenthal about his latest investigative article which exposes an elaborate scheme to undermine Russia