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Search: “jeremy scahill”

We found 840 results for your search.

8. July 2020

Why the United States is a Threat to Human Existence | Prof. Peter Kuznick

Prof. Kunzick examines the international arms treaties that the USA has terminated since the 2000s and what significance they bear on world peace & stability.

2. July 2020

Assange Update: NEW Court Developments & Assange’s Birthday

In this video, we discuss the latest call over hearing on Monday June 29th in the Julian Assange case.

30. June 2020

Billionaire Wealth Increases By Over Half Trillion Dollars During The Pandemic | Chuck Collins

Billionaire Wealth Increases By Over Half Trillion Dollars During The Pandemic.

26. June 2020

Julian Assange Update: New Indictment Alleges Conspiracy with Anonymous Hackers

In this update on the Julian Assange case, we examine the new superseding indictment against him by the U.S. government.

24. June 2020

The Finance Curse Part 2 – Do Fines & Regulation work? | With White-Collar Criminologist Bill Black

In this interview with Bill Black, we examine whether fines and regulations work in reigning in the excesses of the financial sector.

23. June 2020

The Finance Curse – Part 1 – Wirecard & Elite Fraud | With White-Collar Criminologist Bill Black

In this interview with white collar criminologist William Bill Black, we discuss the curse of finance and the Wirecard scandal.

18. June 2020

The Case for a Job Guarantee | Interview with Pavlina Tcherneva – PART 2

In the second part of our video series on Modern Money Theory, we are joined by economist Pavlina Tcherneva to discuss one of MMT’s key policies called the “Job Guarantee”.

CIA Spying on Assange: Max Blumenthal & Fidel Narvaez Shed Light on Operation

CIA Spying on Assange: Max Blumenthal & Fidel Narvaez Shed Light on Operation

17. June 2020

Wealth of the Super-Rich has increased by $434 billion since the pandemic | Report by IPS

In this interview with Omar Ocampo, researcher on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, we examine why wealth of the very rich has increased by hundreds of billions of dollars since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.