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1. October 2021

The Amazon Rainforest Is Disappearing – What can be done?

In diesem Video interviewen wir Marcio Astrini, Exekutivsekretär von Observatório do Clima, über das Verschwinden des Amazonas-Regenwaldes.

30. September 2021

AUKUS – The Nuclear Submarine Pact between the US, UK & Australia

AUKUS – The Nuclear Submarine Pact between the US, UK & Australia.

29. September 2021

Afghanistan: Key Facts missing in the Media | Part 3/3

In the final part of our interview series on Afghanistan, we examine the US tenure in Afghanistan from the Bush administration to Bidens.

28. September 2021

Afghanistan: Important Facts that are largely Ignored by the Media | Part 2

In the second part of our interview series on Afghanistan, we continue our conversation with author and professor of history at American University in Washington DC Peter Kuznick, who now examines the evolution of the United States’ role in relation to Afghanistan and the region from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century.

27. September 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: US Defeat In Afghanistan Signals an Irrational, Declining Empire

Prof Wolff analyzes the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan and what our “defense” policies reveal about U.S. priorities and problems that contribute to the country’s decline.

23. September 2021

Afghanistan: Important Facts that are largely Ignored by the Media | Part 2

In the second part of our interview series on Afghanistan, we continue our conversation with author and professor of history at American University in Washington DC Peter Kuznick, who now examines the evolution of the United States’ role in relation to Afghanistan and the region from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century.

22. September 2021

AUKUS – The Nuclear Submarine Pact between the US, UK & Australia

In this video, we talk with Peter Kuznick, professor of history and director of the Institute for Nuclear Studies at American University, about the AUKUS security pact recently signed between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States and its implications for global security.

19. September 2021

Assange update: New Audio Recording exposes weak US case

In this video, we discuss the latest on the US appeal in the Julian Assange case.

16. September 2021

Assange update: New Audio Recording exposes weak US case

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