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Search: “yanis varoufakis”

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30. April 2017

Yanis Varoufakis: Why the Universal Basic Income is a Necessity – VIDEO

In this video former finance minister of Greece, professor of economics, author and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), Yanis Varoufakis, argues why a Basic Income is necessity today. His arguments take into account a macro socio-economic, psychological, philosophical and moral perspective. In addition Varoufakis after the speech addresses a wide range of questions from the public.

20. April 2017

Educational Video Series with Yanis Varoufakis: The State of the European Union

In this 3-part educational video series with former finance minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe 25 Movement (DiEM25), Yanis Varoufakis, the European Union is discussed in detail. From its deficits, current and future state to solutions that the union needs to employ in order to halt the ongoing socio-political crisis, this video series aims to provide context and also bring into light specific issues that are not discussed in mainstream discourse whenever crises emerge in the periphery states of the EU such as Greece.

10. April 2017

Yanis Varoufakis & Democracy in Europe Movement Project: Your Assistance is required!

On the 25th of May, we are planning to cover an event in Berlin that is being organized by the pan-Euorpean progressive movement founded by Yanis Varoufakis called Democracy in Europe Movement ( Diem25.official). This will include a report as well as an interview with Yanis Varoufakis in English & German.

3. April 2017

REWIND: Interview with Yanis Varoufakis

In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament. He gained immense popularity when he served as finance minister (27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015) for the Greek government, a post that he left shortly after he found out that Greek government made the decision to implement the austerity package of the Troika against the popular vote (OXI) of the Greek people . This interview focuses on the history of the global economic system, the transformations that it underwent after World War II and attempts to connect it to the current economic crisis that is sweeping throughout Europe and the globe.

27. March 2017

A Tax on Robots? | Yanis Varoufakis on acTVism Munich

A Tax on Robots? | Yanis Varoufakis on acTVism Munich.

30. June 2016

Yanis Varoufakis on the European Constitution, Economic Disintegration and Orwellianism

In this video the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, provides us an insight into why the European constitution does not represent the European cititzens and lacks democratic substance. He also talks about the disintegration of the European Union, what forces are driving its demise and how Orwellian language is used to hide this.

3. June 2016

Noam Chomsky & Yanis Varoufakis discuss Basic Income

In the following Video Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky speak about the concept of basic guaranteed income, it’s origins and what effects it could have on our society.

25. May 2016

Yanis Varoufakis talks about Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism with acTVism Munich

In this interview with the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis a host of issues are discussed which include privatization, human rights, media, his experience with the EU and capitalism’s ability to reform.

13. May 2016

Yanis Varoufakis on Transparency, Economic Crisis & Democratizing the ECB

In this video Yanis Varoufakis talks about the need for transparency in the European Union and why this concept is an essential component for democracy. Varoufakis goes on to explain how the diverse economic problems faced by countries across the European Union are manifestations of a deeper, underlying and systemic flaw.