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Search: “noam chomsky”

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23. December 2018

REWIND: The complete acTVism Video Series with Prof. Noam Chomsky

Thank you for visiting our exclusive Rewind video compilation with Prof. Noam Chomsky. In the coming days we will be compiling our most interesting and exciting content from 2014 to 2018 with leading experts from around the globe.

11. October 2018

EDITORIAL PICK: “Two Minutes to Midnight” with Prof. Noam Chomsky

acTVism’s editorial team picked this video to publish and also translate into the German language given the important issues that were surfaced within this speech.

31. December 2017

REWIND: The complete acTVism Video series with Prof. Noam Chomsky

Here you will find all videos that acTVism Munich produced with Prof. Noam Chomsky in 2015, 2016 & 2017.

22. December 2017

The Propaganda Model & the Political Economy of the Mass Media | Noam Chomsky

The following video presents the Question & Answer session followed by a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the University of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989. In this speech, Prof. Chomsky introduced the Propaganda Model and explained how propaganda and systemic biases function in mass media by providing numerous examples from their coverage on foreign affairs.

2. October 2017

The full Translation: Snowden, Chomsky & Greenwald – A Conversation on Privacy

In March of 2016, acTVism Munich contacted the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioural Sciences for permission to translate into German an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky with the goal of creating awareness in Germany on the issues discussed pertaining to privacy and democracy.

11. September 2017

acTVism Munich Editorial Pick: Noam Chomsky’s Classic Speech – “The Two 9/11’s”

In this speech held by Noam Chomsky at the University of Iceland on the 9th of September 2011, Noam Chomsky talks about the first 9/11 that took place in Chile in 1973 in which the U.S government overthrew the democratically elected government of Chile to install a brutal military dictatorship in Augusto Pinochet.

8. July 2017

Noam Chomsky: The Propaganda Model & Political Economy of the Mass Media – PART 2

The following video is the Question & Answer session of a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the Unversity of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989.

11. April 2017

REWIND: Noam Chomsky on the American Hegemony of Europe – History & Current State

This video is a 40-minute interview that we held with Noam Chomsky at the end of 2015, in which we discussed American Hegemony in Europe – past & present state.

20. March 2017

Noam Chomsky: Propaganda Model & the Political Economy of the Mass Media – PART I

The following video is a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the Unversity of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989. In this talk, Prof. Chomsky introduces the propaganda model and explains how propaganda and systemic biases function in mass media by providing numerous examples from their coverage on foreign affairs. We translated the first part of this speech into German – please donate today so we can translate all historical speeches of Prof. Noam Chomsky and archive them digitally into multiple languages by clicking here.