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Search: “jill stein”

We found 806 results for your search.

18. June 2021

Untold History of the United States: DDAY & World War II

In this interview, we explore the historic event known as DDAY with professor of history at American University Prof Kuznick.

16. June 2021

Cuba is in change: We are far away from the original Cuban Revolution

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview Daniel Montero, a Cuban journalist at Belly of the Beast.

11. June 2021

Update: US Relations with China & Russia, the G7 Summit and the Nuclear Ban Treaty | Prof. Kuznick

Update: US Relations with China & Russia, the G7 Summit and the Nuclear Ban Treaty | Prof. Kuznick

10. June 2021

Nils Melzer’s Speech in Geneva on Julian Assange, Edward Snowden & Chelsea Manning

Nils Melzer’s Speech in Geneva on Julian Assange, Edward Snowden & Chelsea Manning.

The True Costs of War | Post-9/11 Analysis with Dr. Stephanie Savell

In this video, we speak with Costs of War Project Director Dr. Stephanie Savell. Dr. Savell is one of several scholars researching the costs of the post-9/11 wars at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University.

7. June 2021

Assange’s partner Stella Moris gives powerful speech in Geneva to demand for his release

Assange’s partner Stella Moris gives powerful speech in Geneva to demand for his release.

Interview with Human Rights Watch: Israel committing crimes of apartheid

Interview with Human Rights Watch: Israel committing crimes of apartheid.

31. May 2021

Why did Israel attack Gaza? | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

In diesem Video sprechen wir mit unserem wiederholten Gast Dr. Hever darüber, warum Israel den Gazastreifen angegriffen hat.