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Search: “jeremy scahill”

We found 841 results for your search.

31. May 2021

Why did Israel attack Gaza? | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

In diesem Video sprechen wir mit unserem wiederholten Gast Dr. Hever darüber, warum Israel den Gazastreifen angegriffen hat.

27. May 2021

Interview with Human Rights Watch: Israel committing crimes of apartheid

Interview with Human Rights Watch: Israel committing crimes of apartheid.

25. May 2021

Why did Israel attack Gaza? | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

Dr. Hever explains how Israeli domestic politics has played a role in the recent attacks on Gaza and how the significance of Sheikh Jarrah.

22. May 2021

The True Costs of War | Post-9/11 Analysis with Dr. Stephanie Savell

In this episode of The Source we talk to Dr. Stephanie Savell about the true cost of war since 9/11.

21. May 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Economic Update with Prof. Wolff: Capitalism vs. Democracy

In this week’s editorial pick for our Import program, we select a video from “Democracy at Work” which analyses capitalism’s impact on democracy. 

20. May 2021

Exclusive Update from Gaza: What is happening there? With Poet Mosab Abu Toha

In this video, we are joined by Mosab Abu Toha, our on the ground source in Gaza.

19. May 2021

Exclusive Update from Gaza: What is happening there? With Poet Mosab Abu Toha

In this video, we are joined by Mosab Abu Toha, our on the ground source in Gaza. Abu Toha is a Palestinian poet, writer and the founder of the Edward Said Public Library. Abu Toha, a young father, provides an update on the situation in Gaza.

16. May 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: At UN, ex-Colin Powell aide calls out ‘egregious’ OPCW Syria cover-up

In this week’s editorial pick, we select a video from The Grayzone Project in which former Chief of Staff to Secretary State Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, examines the OPCW cover-up.