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Search: “human connection”

We found 68 results for your search.

15. July 2016

Inside Report: Kara Tepe Refugee Camp in Lesvos – Greece

In this exclusive video report produced by the Real News Network (TRNN), Dimitri Lascaris, correspondent for TRNN, provides context to the ongoing refugee crises and talks directly with two refugees from the Kara Tepe refugee camp in Lesvos, Greece, about their travel experiences as well as the reasons why they left their countries of origin.

12. July 2016

Washington Has Been Obsessed With Punishing Secrecy Violations — Until Hillary Clinton

This article was written by Glenn Greenwald and appeared on The Intercept. acTVism Munich translated it into the German language in order to create awareness on it to a global audience. For the article in English, click here.

11. July 2016

Wikileaks: Exclusive Interview with Investigations Editor Sarah Harrison

In this exclusive interview with Wikileaks Sections Editor, Sarah Harrison, we talk about the case of Julian Assange, the findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention, national security, international law and how one can support whistleblowers.

8. July 2016

Richard Wolff on BREXIT: “Mass of people are beginning to push back at governments, financial elites”

In this video produced by Democracy at Work renowned economist, Richard Wolff, talks about BREXIT and the global socio-economic system.

6. July 2016

Jeremy Corbyn: “Frankly, it [Iraq-War] was an act of military aggression launched on a false pretext”

Jeremy Corbyn held a speech today at House of Commons in the light of the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war. Corbyn started the speech by …

4. July 2016

Muted Headlines on the CIA – June & July 2016

These headlines about the CIA were reported by Democracy Now! in June & July 2016. acTVism compiled and translated them into the German language.

3. July 2016

Edward Snowden – A Conversation on Privacy Part 2

On the 25th of March 2016, the University of Arizona organized an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald. Due to the importance of this event to human freedom and liberty, acTVism is translating it, part by part, into the German language. Although we have the personnel to translate the content into Spanish, French and Greek as well, we lack the financial resources that would free up the necessary time required to undertake this critical initiative. Please donate today by clicking here so that we can translate this event and similar initiatives in order to create awareness on a global scale.

2. July 2016

Richard Wolff: “The traditional, old, capitalist-maintaining center-left, center-right, is dissolving”

In this interview hosted by The Real News Network, renowned economist and author, Richard Wolff, talks about the French labor law vote, Brexit, Greece, US domestic politics and capitalism.

28. June 2016

DNC: Platform stays true to Corporate Donors

Despite its claims to want to unify voters ahead of November’s election, the Democratic party appears to be pushing for an agenda that critics say ignores basic progressive policies, “staying true” to their Corporate donors above all else.