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Search: “dimitri lascaris”

We found 51 results for your search.

2. February 2023

Ukraine: German tanks, Zelenskyy invites Corporate America & Battlefield Updates

Ukraine: German tanks, Zelenskyy invites Corporate America & Battlefield Updates.

10. January 2023

Ukraine – What the media won’t tell you | Feat. Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Jill Stein & more!

Ukraine – What the media won’t tell you | Feat. Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Jill Stein & more!

3. January 2023

Ukraine: An Alternative View & Full Update

Ukraine: An Alternative View & Full Update.

24. May 2018

EDITORIAL PICK: Freedom Flotilla Sets Sail for Gaza after The Great March of Return

In this video Yudit Ilany and Heather Milton-Lightening talk about why they have decided to sail with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza.

22. December 2015

OP-ED: ‘Worse Than Copenhagen’: Why The Paris Climate Accord Is Scarcely Worth The Paper That It’s Written On

On December 12, 2015, world leaders finally struck a global climate accord in Paris, France. The announcement of the accord was accompanied by the predictable orgy of self-congratulation: world leaders breathlessly declared their agreement to be “historic” and “ambitious,” and a “turning point for the world.” The corporate press dutifully regurgitated the superlatives gushing from […]

21. March 2015

About us

acTVism Munich e.V. If you want to find out more about our organization, please view this video (You can activiate English subtitles from the settings in YouTube) Mission Vision History 2013 Zain Raza introduces on social media the idea of an independent media outlet based on the principles of citizen journalism and activism. The idea spreads […]