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Search: “jill stein”

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15. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War

In the first part of our video series on Ukraine with history professor and author Peter Kuznick, we examine the context of the current Ukraine crisis and look at the role the U.S. and Russia have played there in the past.

14. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 2: NATO, Russian Invasion & the Prospect of World War 3

Aufgrund limitierter finanzieller Mittel stehen manche Videos ggf. derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung.

YouTube Censorship & the threat of Nuclear War | With Paul Jay – Part 1

In this episode of The Source, our senior editor Zain Raza returns to talk with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay about YouTube censorship and the threat of nuclear war.

13. December 2021

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War

The Ukraine Crisis – Part 1: Geopolitics, Russian Invasion & the Prospects of War.

Daniel Ellsberg on Assange: “He should be freed to tell the world more truth”

In this video, former Pentagon insider turned whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg talks about his case and the similarities with the Assange case

8. December 2021

Julian Assange & the National Security State | Interview with Paul Jay – Part 2

In this second part of the interview series with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay, we assess why the national security state is after Assange.

7. December 2021

YouTube Censorship & the threat of Nuclear War | With Paul Jay

In this episode of The Source, our senior editor Zain Raza returns to talk with filmmaker and journalist Paul Jay about YouTube censorship and the threat of nuclear war.

2. December 2021

Send Assange to the country that plotted to assassinate him? | Stella Moris speaks out

Send Assange to the country that plotted to assassinate him? | Stella Moris talks about the irregularities surrounding the Assange case.