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Search: “wikileaks”

We found 186 results for your search.

26. May 2016

WikiLeaks Exposes Text from Secretly Negotiated TISA Trade Deal

The classified annex to the draft “core text” of the Trade in Services Agreement is part of what is being secretly negotiated by the U.S., EU and 22 countries.

14. May 2016

WikiLeaks: Brazil’s Interim President Temer served as US-Informant

The investigative website WikiLeaks has once again revealed documents about the Brazilian interim president Michael Temer, wherafter he was an Informant for the USA.

15. April 2016

WikiLeaks: IMF Anticipates Greek “Disaster”

acTVism Munich has only translated this piece from the WikiLeaks website. For the English article, visit the original source: WikiLeaks

24. February 2016

Wikileaks: NSA Targets World Leaders for US Geopolitical Interests

For the English version of this text, visit the original source: Wikileaks:

8. November 2015

Wikileaks: Corporate Media & Academia

Wikileaks: Corporate Media & Academia Did you know? 1. From the 2,325,961 diplomatic cables and other US state department records that totals to some two billion words that Wikileaks released, the New York Times has only managed to selectively publish an estimated 100 cables. 2. The International Studies Association (ISA), which has over 6500 members […]

17. October 2015

TPP Documents Exposed via Wikileaks

TPP Documents Exposed via Wikileaks For the English version of this text, visit the original source: Electronic Frontier Foundation: Names of Author: Jeremy Malcolm

3. July 2024

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak.

22. May 2024

Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

21. May 2024

Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition

Small Victory in the Assange Case: Permission to Appeal Extradition.