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Search: “peter kuznick”

We found 103 results for your search.

22. September 2021

AUKUS – The Nuclear Submarine Pact between the US, UK & Australia

In this video, we talk with Peter Kuznick, professor of history and director of the Institute for Nuclear Studies at American University, about the AUKUS security pact recently signed between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States and its implications for global security.

9. September 2021

Afghanistan: Key Facts largely missing from the Media | Part 1

Im ersten Teil dieser Interviewreihe für unser Programm Kenn Dich Aus interviewen wir den Autor und Professor für Geschichte an der American University in Washington Peter Kuznick und beleuchten die historische Rolle der Vereinigten Staaten in Afghanistan.

8. September 2021

Afghanistan: Key Facts largely missing from the Media | Part 1

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview author and Professor of History at American University in Washington D.C. Peter Kuznick and explore the historical role of the United States in Afghanistan.

25. June 2021

Untold History of the United States: DDAY & World War II

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we explore the historic event known as DDAY with author and professor of history at American University Peter Kuznick.

25. November 2020

The Actual Reason Why America Dropped 2 Atomic Bombs on Japan

In this video series with Peter Kuznick, author and professor of history at the American University, we examine one of the greatest myths in American history.

27. November 2019

The two 9/11s – 1973 Chilean coup d’état and 2001 World Trade Center Attack

In this exclusive interview with author, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, Peter Kuznick, we examine two historical events that took place on the 11th of September: The 1973 Chilean coup d’état and 2001 World Trade Center Attacks.

11. September 2019

The two 9/11s – 1973 Chilean coup d’état and 2001 World Trade Center Attacks

In this exclusive interview with author, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, Peter Kuznick, we examine two historical events that took place on the 11th of September: The 1973 Chilean coup d’état and 2001 World Trade Center Attacks.

25. June 2019

The Iran Files Part 2: The Gulf of Oman Incident & the History of False Flag Operations

In this exclusive interview with Peter Kuznick we talk about the recent incident in the Gulf of Oman in which two oil tankers were attacked.

20. June 2019

The Iran Files Part 1: Historical Context to Iran–United States Relations & the Nuclear Deal

In this interview with Prof. Peter Kuznick, we provide historical context to Iran–U.S. relations & the Iran nuclear deal.