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Search: “edward snowden”

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16. February 2017

FULL INTERVIEW VIDEO: Edward Snowden with acTVism Munich

Das gesamte acTVism-Interview mit Edward Snowden auf Deutsch finden Sie hier!

14. February 2017

Edward Snowden on his normal day in Exile, Anti-terrorism Laws and the Responsbility of the Individual

Edward Snowden on his normal day in Exile, Anti-terrorism Laws and the Responsbility of the Individual

9. February 2017

VIDEO: Edward Snowden on Donald Trump, Obama’s Presidency, Activism & Liberty

In diesen Interview mit dem NSA-Whistleblower, Aktivisten und Menschenrechtler Edward Snowden sprechen wir über die Geschichte der Geheimdienste, bedeutende Whistleblower, die Rolle von Politikern und ob Donald Trump die Macht des Überwachungsstaats ausnutzen wird.

6. February 2017

FULL INTERVIEW VIDEO: Edward Snowden with acTVism Munich

In unserem Interview mit dem NSA-Whistleblower, Aktivisten und Menschenrechtler Edward Snowden sprechen wir über die Geschichte der Geheimdienste, bedeutende Whistleblower, die Rolle von Politikern und ob Donald Trump die Macht des Überwachungsstaats ausnutzen wird. Daneben befragten wir ihn auch zu seinem Alltag im Exil in Russland.

24. January 2017

Edward Snowden on Donald Trump, Obama’s Presidency, Activism & Liberty & his life in Exile

In this interview with NSA-whistleblower, activist and human rights advocate Edward Snowden, we talk to him about the the role of politicians and whether Donald Trump will misuse the power of the surveillance state. In addition, we discuss Snowden’s normal day in exile .

17. January 2017

acTVism Report: Edward Snowden Event (Pictures & Videos)

On January 15th, acTVism Munich organized its largest event yet that took place under the title “Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context” at Muffathalle in Munich and featured a live interview with Edward Snowden via video conference from Russia as well as discussions with a panel of leading experts in the field. acTVism Munich’s founder and senior editor Zain Raza moderated the evening, leading the audience through a series of individual interviews with Srećko Horvat, Paul Jay, Richard D. Wolff, Jeremy Scahill and Jürgen Todenhöfer.

15. January 2017

LIVE-STREAM: acTVism Event – Edward Snowden & Leading Experts

Welcome to the official event page! We will post the link to the live-stream here at 6 PM Munich Time (12 PM New York Time).

28. November 2016

EVENT VIDEO TRAILER: Edward Snowden, Jeremy Scahill, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Paul Jay, Richard Wolff & Srećko Horvat

On the 15th of January 2017, we are hosting an event called “Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context” at the Muffatwerk in Munich. This video trailer introduces all experts that will be interviewed individually for this event.

31. October 2016

A Conversation on Privacy – Part 4

On the 25th of March 2016, the University of Arizona organized an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald. Due to the importance of this event to human freedom and liberty, acTVism is translating it, part by part, into the German language. Although we have the personnel to translate the content into Spanish, French and Greek as well, we lack the financial resources that would free up the necessary time required to undertake this critical initiative. Please donate today by clicking here so that we can translate this event and similar initiatives in order to create awareness on a global scale.