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Search: “wikileak”

We found 186 results for your search.

13. May 2019

Rainer Mausfeld über Anarchismus, Wikileaks, Prinzipien der Demokratie & die Rolle der Wirtschaft

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

25. April 2019

Wikileaks & Julian Assange | Zain Raza & Tuncay Acar auf Radio Loras “Gegensprechanlage”

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

24. April 2019

HEUTE um 21:00 Uhr: acTVism bei der Gegensprechanlage auf Radio Lora über Assange & Wikileaks | Rufen Sie an!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

14. April 2019

The acTVism-File: Julian Assange & Wikileaks

In this post we provide a chronological overview of all videos that we produced since our inception on the topic of Julian Assange & Wikileaks.
In this post we provide a chronological overview of all videos that we produced since our inception on the topic of Julian Assange & Wikileaks.

31. January 2019

NOW IN GERMAN: Greenwald on Snowden, Assange, Russiagate & the debacles of the Corporate Media

In this exclusive interview with investigative journalist and co-founder of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, we talk about Edward Snowden’s status in Russia and what the prosecution of Julian Assange means for press freedoms.

9. November 2016

3 Recent Wikileaks Revelations that You Should Know About

In this video produced by the Real News Network, the most significant Wikileaks revelations pertaining to Hillary Clinton, which were largely ignored by the mainstream media in Europe, are revealed.

11. July 2016

Wikileaks: Exclusive Interview with Investigations Editor Sarah Harrison

In this exclusive interview with Wikileaks Sections Editor, Sarah Harrison, we talk about the case of Julian Assange, the findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention, national security, international law and how one can support whistleblowers.

20. June 2016

Exclusive Wikileaks Video Report – “First they came for Assange”

Exclusive Wikileaks Video Report – “First they came for Assange” For this exclusive acTVism video report, we travelled to the Volksbühne in Berlin in order to document the global event named “First they came for Assange” in which the case of Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, was brought to the forefront. We talked directly […]

19. June 2016

LIVE STREAM: WikiLeaks “First they came for Assange”

LIVE STREAM: WikiLeaks “First they came for Assange” Today the 19th of June 2016 WikiLeaks are hosting an event at Berlin’s Volksbühne. The event “First they came for Assange” is being broadcasted simultaneously from several cities via video conference. This event focuses on the role and importance of whistleblowers and investigative journalists today. LIVE STREAM: […]